December 16, 2014 By: Good of All

A Higher Law – video trailer

This is a 4 minute trailer for our new documentary series developed for Georgia Public Broadcasting by Matthew Daniels, J.D., Ph.D. to apply the principles of the American civil rights movement to today’s critical human rights issues such as human trafficking.  The series has received the unanimous endorsement of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Advisory Council of the State of Georgia. The pilot episode includes original interviews with prominent civil rights leaders such as Andrew Young and will be shown to high school students across Georgia, as well as offered for national distribution on the American Public Broadcasting network.  Future episodes will extend the themes of this pilot episode by drawing on the lessons of past struggles for social justice and civil rights and applying them to a wide range of critical human rights challenges facing the modern world.

  • Kizombo L. Kalumbula

    Something powerful is developing here.

  • Steve Simms

    Awesome! Search for: Off the RACE Track–From Color Blind to Color Kind. Thank you.

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