Vision / Mission

Promoting human dignity through civility and respect for conscience.


We strive to promote civility and respect for freedom of conscience by challenging the voices in America that publicly erode civility and show contempt for the views of others. We also seek to challenge regimes around the world that suppress dissent and freedom of conscience. We differ in our nationality, our religious convictions, our political affiliations and our ethnic heritage. But we are united in supporting a vision for society — both in America and around the world — that affirms human dignity.
“…These regimes continue to trample on the basic rights of women, minorities and political dissenters. At the root of these trends is an assault on the human dignity of every person, regardless of who they are, what they believe or how they differ from us.”

Why we work

There are multiple and painful signs that civility is being eroded in America – with negative consequences for freedom of conscience, democratic culture and human dignity itself. Public discourse is increasingly shrill, rude and negative. In our media, discussions which respect the views of others are increasingly rare. Instead, the views and consciences of others are often attacked. There is a growing crudeness and vulgarity to our public life that undermines our society and sends the wrong message to our children.

Internationally, human freedom is being challenged by regimes that have embraced the suppression of dissent and freedom of conscience as a social and political goal. These regimes continue to trample on the basic rights of women, minorities and political dissenters. At the root of these trends is an assault on the human dignity of every person, regardless of who they are, what they believe or how they differ from us.

Good of All is a movement to affirm our common humanity, to promote civility, and to defend freedom of conscience.

Join others in being informed about freedom. Good of All will send updates about upcoming events, news, interviews, and videos you can share with others who care about freedom of conscience, association, privacy, and speech.