Human Rights Survey Results

Welcome to our searchable database of international public opinion on human liberty principles outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The first issues we addressed were Internet freedom and priority of human rights principles. This initial data will expand as we conduct additional surveys of public opinion.

With the launching of Good of All in South Korea, the United States, and later this year in the United Kingdom, we want to address issues that are important to our audience. Research and polling conducted a year ago pointed us toward the issues of Internet freedom and privacy, and the recent poll results confirmed we were on the right track.

We will continue to address issues related to the UDHR, as we aim to engage in conversations with our supporters on topics pertinent to their lives. In the future, polling and research will continue to provide educational resources and data for our audience.

Join others in being informed about freedom. Good of All will send updates about upcoming events, news, interviews, and videos you can share with others who care about freedom of conscience, association, privacy, and speech.